Tuesday, 25 August 2020


Crate Training Steps


Have your crate set up in a quiet corner of the home ideally away from outdoor noises. You can cover the crate also if desired.

Initial steps

·         Leave crate door open and throughout the day drop high value treats (or toy) in the crate. Let your dog exit freely. Keep doing this for around 3 days or until your dog runs into the crate enthusiastically for the treats (or toy).

·         Lure your dog into the crate with a treat or toy and continue to feed treats whilst your dog stays in the crate. Feed in 1 second intervals. Let them exit freely. Try to do this for up to 1 minute.

·         Start to give a hand signal and verbal signal, such as pointing into the crate whilst saying "crate" as your dog enters the crate for a treat. Continue to feed whilst your dog is in the crate. Aim for up to 1 minute at this stage.


Closing the door

·         Signal your dog into the crate, half close the door for a second and open again. Let your dog exit freely.

·         Practice as above but now fully close the crate door. Work slowly as now start to try and close the bolts one at a time; once your dog is comfortable with one bolt being closed for a second, then try 2 bolts but undo them straight away and open the door.

·         With all the bolts closed, wait 1 second before opening them then 5 seconds, then 8 seconds etc. Feed through the bars just before opening.


Getting Duration

·         Luring or verbally cueing your dog into the crate, give a stuffed kong or chew toy and close the door. Drop a treat every 10-20 seconds and if there are no signs of distress you can move to giving a treat 20-30 seconds.

·         Practice the above 4-5 times over 3 days. If there are no signs of distress then start to leave the room for 5 seconds at a time. Start to feed less frequently, such as every minute.

·         Finally, feed every few minutes and increase duration incrementally as long as there are no signs of distress.

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